Cru Ballroom
We are so glad you are interested in our club!
As the name implies, we are a dancing club but our primary focus is on country dancing and line dancing. We aim to get you comfortable dancing and learn as much as you want. That way, if/when you go out dancing you feel you know enough to go out on the dance floor, if not show off on the dance floor!
We meet (almost) every Friday night at 7 pm in the Mayborn Aerobics room.
If you don't know how to dance/don't think you can . . . bring it on! We want to teach you anyway! Most of the officers of this club started in the same spot as you and we are always excited to teach anyone who is willing to learn! There is also no need to fully commit! If you can come one week and then can't for the next 4, we will still welcome you!
We update our Instagram account regularly!
It's a great place to ask questions or get some dancing tips!
Hope to see you soon!

Contact Information
Location: Bawcom Student Union • Second Floor
Address: 900 College Street, Box 8006 • Belton, TX 76513
Office Hours: M-F • 8am-5pm
studentorgs@umhb.edu • Phone: (254) 295-4229
Page last updated September 26, 2024