Lab Assistants
Our department needs quite a few student workers every semester, most of which are lab assistants. We only ask our top Biology students to be lab assistants so it is quite an honor to be in this position. It is something that can certainly go on your resume later and it also allows the Biology faculty to get to know you much better. This can result in a much more thorough and helpful recommendation for you later when you apply to graduate or professional schools or for a job.
The requirements for being considered for a lab assistant position include the following:
- A major in Cell Biology or Organismal Biology or Clinical Laboratory Science;
- a GPA of 3.0 or higher (both in overall GPA and in the Biology courses you have taken);
- a good work ethic -- dependable, able to take instruction well, willing to do more than you are asked to do, careful, well-prepared;
- having done well (an A preferably or a B) in the class and lab you want to assist in;
- and an okay from the professor you will be working for.
We do not, as a rule, consider using freshmen as lab assistants – we want to watch you for a few semesters. We also will generally only accept sophomore lab assistants that have exceptional GPAs overall and in their Biology coursework.
If you believe that you fulfill these requirements and would like to be considered for a lab assistant position, talk with that professor or with Dr. Ylostalo.
The department also usually needs one or two office workers during the semester. "Office" is a rather broad term in our dictionary! You may actually be doing some office work but you may also be rearranging a Biology storeroom, watering plants, or cleaning out a frog cage. Someone in this position needs to be quite flexible. We prefer to have Biology majors in this position and your GPA should be relatively high. Talk with Dr. Ylostalo about this position.
Student Worker Job Descriptions
Contact Information
Dr. Andrea Jensen • Associate Dean for Natural Sciences • (254) 295-4850
900 College Street, Box 8432 • Belton, TX 76513
Page last updated November 16, 2023