Chemistry, Environmental Science, and Geology Department
The Department of Chemistry, Environmental Science & Geology strives to equip all of its students with an awareness of the impact of modern technology on our society as well as to introduce them to the essentials of these disciplines.
Persons majoring in chemistry are given the foundation necessary for graduate study and/or for employment in the chemical industry. Likewise, fundamental training is provided for those planning to enter science education or graduate study in any of the health professions.
In addition to upper-level courses for chemistry majors, the department also offers introductory courses in chemistry, environmental science, and geology for any students who need to take a laboratory science course to fulfill the requirements of their majors.
When I was a freshman in a general chemistry class, my professor pulled me aside one day and asked what I wanted to ultimately do academically. She told me if I wanted to be a nurse I could, and if I wanted to be a doctor I could, and if I wanted to be a chemist (you guessed it) I could.

Ashli Lawson
Class of 2011
Contact Information
Dr. Andrea Jensen • Associate Dean for Natural Sciences • (254) 295-4850
900 College Street, Box 8013 • Belton, TX 76513
Page last updated December 08, 2023