Frequently Asked Questions
Does 麻豆视频直播 offer a health insurance plan for students?
麻豆视频直播 is not responsible for any healthcare expenses you may incur while enrolled as a 麻豆视频直播 student. 麻豆视频直播 strongly recommends that each student maintain healthcare insurance. Students may be required to show proof of individual medical insurance acceptable to 麻豆视频直播 as a condition of participation in some university programs or activities.
Where can I shop for health insurance?
If you do not currently have healthcare insurance, you may visit to access the healthcare marketplace. Some healthcare insurance policies require you to use an approved network of doctors, hospitals, and clinics. Please contact your insurance provider for details, and if applicable, obtain a list of approved healthcare providers in the Belton/Temple area to determine what steps, if any, you should change your point of service (POS) to our area. The zip code for Belton is 76513. Be sure to bring your insurance card and original social security card with you when you come to 麻豆视频直播.Shop for insurance: (
What health supplies should I bring to campus with me?
Make a health kit that includes face masks, hand sanitizer of at least 60% alcohol, pain relievers, digital thermometer, allergy medication, and other medicine used occasionally. Also, include Band-Aids, antibiotic ointment, ACE wrap and powdered Gatorade.
Does the Health Center give out over-the-counter medicines or other supplies?
OTC medications are given at the time of appointment if appropriate. The student must then provide any subsequent doses or if symptoms reoccur following the appointment. First aid is provided to students as appropriate at the time of their appointment/care. Bandages, wraps, and other first aid supplies may be purchased at a local retailer but are not distributed by the Health Center on a regular basis.
Can the Health Center prescribe medications?
You will need to request prescription medications from a physician or medical provider off campus. The campus nurse can assist you with locating a local medical provider.
What vaccines and screenings does the Campus Nurse administer?
Flu shots offered in the fall semester. Tuberculosis Skin Tests offered at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters. Each are offered while supplies last.
Can the Nurse administer my prescribed shot?
The Nurse does not administer allergy and birth control shots.
Can the Nurse check my glucose level?
This service is not provided. Consult with your health care provider.
Is there a Doctor, Nurse Practitioner, or Physician Assistant available on campus?
The Health Center has a Campus Nurse who is a Registered Nurse.
Can I get a Strep test at the Health Center?
The Health Center does not have a lab to process specimens/samples.
Can I get an excuse note from the Nurse for missing class?
Excuse notes are only provided if the student was in the Nurse's care during their illness and if their symptoms are contagious or severe enough that the Nurse advises them not to attend classs. If you did not visit the nurse when you were ill she will not provide you a note. If you visited a physician off campus you may provide a note from them.
Page last updated April 29, 2024