Worried about reporting?
If you voluntarily initiate a report to the university that you have experienced or witnessed sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, or other forms of sexual harassment, the university will not discipline you for conduct violations which must be disclosed in the course of reporting.
"I'm a woman who was sexually assaulted. I don't want to have to speak to a male about this."
The university has trained female investigators available to you in order to make you more comfortable in discussing the situation.
"I was drinking alcohol in my residence hall at the time and don't want to get in trouble."
Your well-being is the university鈥檚 greatest concern. If you voluntarily report a sexual assault, the university will not discipline you for conduct violations which must be disclosed in the course of reporting the assault.
"I don't want to have my lifestyle put under a microscope."
Regardless of your lifestyle, the university will only be concerned with issues relevant to the assault and to protecting you and the campus community.
Contact Information
Holly Edwards • Title IX Coordinator
hedwards@umhb.edu • (254)-295-4870
Sanderford Administrative Complex
900 College Street • Belton, TX 76513
Page last updated September 27, 2018